Nas and Damian Marley - two brothers from another mother. So much so, that they named their collaboration album Distant Relatives.
Beginning in 2008, American rapper Nas and Jamaican reggae artist Damian Marley have been fusing musical elements of hip hop and reggae, and writing songs together on themes concerning ancestry, poverty, and the plight of Africa. Marley and his brother Stephen produced the majority of the album, using live instrumentation in the recording process. They collaborated with guest artists, including the aforementioned Stephen Marley, Joss Stone, Lil Wayne, and the Somalian emcee K'naan, who we featured previously on the blog.
The album has a lot to do with our ancestry as human beings, particularly concerning our shared roots in Africa. Marley and Nas incorporated samples from African music into the album, and the lyrical content heavily revolves around themes concerning poverty, and social commentary.
Here's their latest video for the song Patience. The song and the video specifically reminds us of the rich history of the human race in Egypt, which is espeicially poignant and thought provoking amidst the political upheaval happening over there right now...
Thanks for adding the link for viewers outside the US to watch! That's service :D